Is the Big Bang the origin of existence?

No, no more han than a drop of water is the ocean. The bb concept is an invented idea, without any real sustance in cosmic reality..

There has never been a big bang or a little bang or any sound at all… there has never been a beginning of eternity and the universe of universes are just that. But the mind of man like to stipulate a beginnings since it is so hard for the personality and the soul to grasp infinity. But with true intent it is not impossible, since the origin of all living creatures has its root in the First Source and center, the Universal Upholder and Creator.

About Yourantiaman

About me there is not much to say..those who know dont talk and those of you who read will know. With Light, Life & Love will we change ourselves and the world as long as we don't forget to "Devote our life to proving that love is the greatest thing in the world."
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